The Stars Aligned, or Whatever You Want to Say
Writer Simone Rembert interviews Holmes Holmes, a Chicago-based comedian, about her comedy, coping with quarantine, phone therapy and kissing one’s little arm.
Writer Simone Rembert interviews Holmes Holmes, a Chicago-based comedian, about her comedy, coping with quarantine, phone therapy and kissing one’s little arm.
For Crybaby’s very first video in our new DIY series, co-art director Tina Tona shows us how they make their beautiful collages!
The Crybaby Team is stuck inside with so much to do! We did a little Q&A about how we’ve been spending quarantine… what we’ve been watching, reading, crafting, and of course, baking. We hope you get some great recommendations and tips!!
“Fetch the Bolt Cutters” is anything but conventional and in its embrace of the avant-garde, it simultaneously seems to mourn the normalcy we are leaving behind while striding pluckily into the new one.
Writer Sara Radin writes about the recycling of trends, style nostalgia, and Depop. Accompanying photo story by Hana Mendel.
Writer Lily Goldberg writes about skin picking, pimple popping, and Reddit in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic.
St. Augustine of Hippo, a Catholic theologian and philosopher, once said, “If there was no good in what is evil, then the evil simply could not be.”
“Emma.” is a love story and truly there are many weaved into the plot, yet the most consistent and forgiving and intimate is the one between Emma and Harriet.
Writer Jourdan Taylor interviews Mavi, an up-and-coming D.C. rapper. His is debut album, “Let The Sun Talk,” features 32 minutes of soulful, inspired, and most importantly, progressive hip-hop.
Editor-In-Chief Remi Riordan reviews “Incitement,” a film that takes a look at the true story of the years leading up to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination and the radicalization of young university students including Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir.
Story Editor Zoe Allen chats with the Kiwi popstar about her sound, style, her two-EP 2019, what’s next and why her music is like a “crispy apple.”
“The Assistant” is very clearly a film referencing the #metoo movement within the film industry. It is a film that tries to shut down the question that sexual abuse apologists and deniers have used for so long—why didn’t she say anything?